The reward system of Bawang Meal can be flexibly combined with member category email list marketing activities, such as inviting friends to turn into a positive orange V, and writing a review post, all of which can reward users with Bawang Meal PASS card. There is a problem: The chance of winning Bawang Meal is relatively small. Most users may try to participate once category email list or twice, and they will not participate.
But it is impossible to rely on Bawang Meal to stimulate category email list most users. to generate a lot of review content. 4. Medal Medals are awards for users who have made special contributions. Some medals are further divided into three levels: gold, silver and bronze. Gold, silver and bronze correspond to different data indicators. The medal entry can be accessed by clicking the category email list medal icon on the personal homepage.
Medals are automatically obtained based on changes category email list in the user's behavioral data, and do not require any operation by the user. Summary of the medal system: The entrance to the medal is very deep and not obvious. The incentive effect of medals in the entire membership system is not obvious, and it is more like an auxiliary means used by product and category email list operation teams to divide product user groups. 5. Member Points